Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung CD 2 (Tewi)(1994).iso
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*** Dunfield Development Systems ***
*** Product catalog. Revised: 24-Feb-92 ***
Catalog and pricing are in effect until July, 1992. Anyone placing an
order will receive a current edition of this catalog with the order. You may
also download the current catalog and demo versions of our software from our
BBS system. An express download of the catalog is available, enter "catalog"
at the login prompt.
All software is shipped on 5.25" MS-DOS compatable 360K diskettes.
Unless otherwise stated, all disks include complete documentation in
the form of ASCII text files. You may also order high quality laser printed
copies of the documentation for a nominal fee.
Anyone wishing to upgrade to the current revision of a product which
they have already purchased is allowed an "update credit" of %50 of the
original purchase price. At our discretion, we may provide update credits
in other situations (For example, if you purchased MICRO-C, and within a few
weeks decided that you should have ordered the "8051 Developers Special", we
would send you the extra disks and charge you only the difference in price).
All orders must include an additional $5 to cover airmail shipping costs,
unless you have made other shipping arrangements. Shipment will normally be
made on the monday following the week in which your order is received. Please
allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery. Next day shipping of diskettes via FEDERAL
EXPRESS is available to locations within Canada and the U.S. at a cost of $25
(Based on current FED-EX rates).
All prices are in U.S. funds. Canadian residents please add 7% Goods and
Services Tax (GST), Ontario residents add 8% Provincial Sales Tax (PST).
Cheques or money orders in U.S. funds should be payable to "Dunfield
Development Systems". We will accept equivalent Canadian funds only if the
cheque (or money order) is payable to "David or Sharleen Dunfield".
We regret that we cannot take credit cards at this time.
Please send all correspondence to:
Dunfield Development Systems
P.O. Box 31044
Nepean, Ontario (Canada)
K2B 8S8
VOICE: (613) 256-5820 [Between 0800-1900 EST please!]
FAX: (613) 256-5821 [0800-1900 EST Mon-Fri]
BBS: (613) 256-5821 [1900-0800 EST Mon-Fri, All day Sat-Sun]
(300/1200/2400 Press RETURN a few times after connect).
Dunfield Development Systems also provides consulting and contract
services, including customizing our products to your specific applicaton,
or independant projects. We have a wide range of experience with micro-
processor and microcontroller systems. Contact us for more information.
MICRO-C: Re-targetable 'C' compiler/utilities with source & documentation
A portable 'C' environment including Compiler, PreProcessor, Optimizer,
Libraries and Utilities. This is an original work, and is NOT "Yet another
version" of the well known "Small-C" compiler.
- LOTS of documentation (>300 pages) & complete source code is included.
- VERY portable, not designed around a specific processor.
- Includes support for 6809, 68HC11, 8051/31, 8080/85/Z80, 8086 and 8096
as well as detailed information on porting to other CPU's.
- Code generators are compatible with our XASM cross assemblers.
An additional MASM compatible 8086 code generator is also supplied.
- Produces very good quality code.
- Includes source code for many useful example programs, including
a pop-up (TSR) ANSI terminal with XMODEM, a BASIC interpreter,
an 8086 assembler and MUCH more.
Current rev : 2.2
Software price : $49.95 (Includes TWO diskettes)
Printed Docs : $25
XASM: A series of cross assemblers and related utility programs
- Includes 6800, 6801/6803, 6805, 6502, 6809, 68HC11, 8051/31, 8080/85,
8086 and 8096 cross assemblers.
- Output files in either INTEL or MOTOROLA hex format.
- Fully compatible with the code generators of our MICRO-C compiler.
- Many example programs: BASIC interpreter, FORTH compiler... more.
- Utility programs included:
MACRO - Powerful macro pre-processor.
CREF - Cross-references assembler source files.
CVTASM - Helps convert ASM sources with differing syntax.
PSOURCE - Protects distributed source code.
HEXFMT - General HEX file manipulation, including:
- Calculate checksums over all or part of code file.
- Reformat output record type (INTEL/MOTOROLA/BINARY) & length.
- Change base and load address of code image.
- Remove strings of $FF (unprogrammed) data bytes.
Current rev : 1.3
Software price : $29.95 (Includes ONE diskette)
Printed docs : $10
'C' source code : $50.00 (With purchase of XASM)
PCUTIL: A collection of programmers utility programs for the IBM P.C:
- Text editor supporting full screen visual and line by line modes
- Visual directory/command shell
- Visual hexidecimal file editor
- Multiple string search of file/directory/directory tree
- Execute commands with arguments on files/directory/directory tree
- Retabulate file to any tab stops
- Directory tree scan for file consistancy check (detect changes)
- Easily change ANY attributes of file(s).
- Text formatter featuring simple ASCII output. Suitable for
documents which are to be distributed on disk.
- Summarize disk/directory use/Scan for oldest+newest files etc.
- +++More+++
Current rev : 1.3
Software price : $24.95 (Includes ONE diskette)
Printed docs : $5
EMILY51: A PC based 8051/52 simulator.
A software simulator/emulator for the Intel 8051/8052 series of
microcontrollers. EMILY features an easy to use "windowed" user
interface, and is capable of simulating at better than 100,000
instructions per second on a 386/25mhz PC.
- Supports full 64K of PROGRAM and 64K of DATA memory. DATA and PROGRAM
memory may also be overlapped into a single 64K address space.
- Optionally interfaces with a Resident Control Program (supplied) on
your target system which allows you to include the physical I/O lines,
timers, serial port etc. in your simulation.
- Single step, Multi Step, Animate and High Speed execution modes,
with 4095 instruction traceback recorder in all modes.
- Simultaneous on-screen displays of program disassembly, internal
memory, CPU registers and simulation messages.
- Full screen editors for CPU registers, Special Function Registers
(SFR's), and each of the INTERNAL, EXTERNAL DATA and PROGRAM memory
spaces. All of the above may be viewed/altered at any time during the
debugging session.
- Multiple breakpoints are transparent to the user program.
- Supports the additional SFR's and internal RAM of the 8052 series.
- Many more features.
Current rev : 1.2
Software price : $49.95 (Includes ONE diskette)
Printed docs : $5
INTEL 8751 pre-programmed with EMILY Resident Control Firmware: $50
MONxx: Powerful software debugger and monitor programs.
- Available for 6809, 68HC11 and 8080/85
- Includes XASM compatible, well documented source code.
- Completely stand-alone, runs on the bare hardware.
- Occupies a single 8K EPROM.
- Built in disassembler with simultaneous display of opcode bytes,
ASCII equivalent, instruction and applicable operands.
- Edit/Dump Memory, Processor registers and Interrupt vectors.
- Up to 8 simultaneous breakpoints, which are completely transparent
to the user program, and remain effective until removed.
- Software Single-Step works even when tracing ROMed code, does not
use, tie up or conflict with any interrupts (You can have interrupts
being serviced while single-stepping). Provides complete disassembly
and register dump for each instruction as it is stepped.
- Comprehensive memory test.
- Download INTEL or MOTOROLA format hex data.
- Revector any/all interrupts to the user program.
- Online help display of commands and syntax.
- MON09 Includes HDM09 - A Hardware Debug Monitor which helps
debug 6809 hardware even if only the CPU and ROM are working!
- Many more features.
MON09 (6809) : $24.95
MON11 (68HC11) : $24.95
MON85 (8080/85) : $24.95
All three : $59.95
6809 Developers Special!
- Entire MICRO-C, XASM, MON09 and PCUTIL packages.
- Pre-configured 6809 compiler and utilities.
- Hand coded (efficent ASM) standard library for the 6809.
Package price : $99.95
68HC11 Developers Special!
- Entire MICRO-C, XASM, MON11 and PCUTIL packages.
- Pre-configured 68HC11 compiler and utilities.
- Hand coded (efficent ASM) standard library for the 68HC11.
Package price : $99.95
8051 Developers Special!
- Entire MICRO-C, XASM, EMILY51 and PCUTIL packages.
- Pre-configured 8051 compiler and utilities. (5 memory models)
- Hand coded (efficent ASM) standard library for the 8051.
Package price : $99.95
8080/8085/Z80 Developers Special!
- Entire MICRO-C, XASM, MON85 and PCUTIL packages.
- Pre-configured 8080/8085/Z80 compiler and utilities.
- Hand coded (efficent ASM) standard library for 8080/8085/Z80.
- 8080/8085 Cross Disassembler.
Package price : $99.95
Super Developers Special!
- Entire 6809, 68HC11, 8051 and 8080/8085/Z80 developers specials.
Package price : $199.95
DLM: Data Line Monitor. Turns your P.C. into a DATASCOPE.
This program monitors both sides of an asynchronous data communications
line using a passive "Y" cable which connects to the monitored devices
and BOTH comm ports (COM1 and COM2). This tool is invaluable for debugging
ANY asynchronous connection, such as TERMINALS, MODEMS, SERIAL PRINTERS
and PROTOCOL debugging. It allows you to actually SEE the data and signals
being passed between the devices.
- Easy to use menu driven interface.
- "Split Line" display for easy viewing of the interaction
between two devices. Display is updated in "real time".
- Over 50 screens may be "buffered" and reviewed later.
- Displays/Stores hardware signal information as well as all
data passed between the devices.
- Captured buffers may be saved to disk for later reference.
- Includes directions for constructing your own "Y" cable.
Current rev : 1.4
Software price : $24.95 (Includes ONE diskette)
Printed docs : $5
LAPTALK: A small but powerful telecomm program.
This is a fully featured terminal emulator which got its name because
it is small enough to use on a floppy disk based LAPTOP computer.
LAPTALK is also an excellent tool for communication with, uploading
and downloading data to/from test systems running our debug monitors.
- Single 20K ".COM" file - Loads FAST!
- Fully configurable - Can switch between configurations.
- Easy to use "windowed" interface.
- ANSI (VT100) terminal emulator (subset).
- Includes ASCII and XMODEM transfer protocols.
- Supports additional external file transfer programs.
- Powerful "script" command language for automated operation.
- Includes "host" script for remote access.
Current rev : 1.0
Software price : $24.95
Printed docs : $5
'C' source code : $25.00 (With purchase of LAPTALK)
CUBIX: A complete Disk Operating System for the 6809.
Includes a full complement of utility and application programs. The
main kernal of the operating system along with its imbedded command
processor and user supplied hardware drivers are designed to occupy
a single 8K (2764 type) ROM at the top of the 6809 processor memory
map (From $E000 to $FFFF). The architecture is such that systems
with a standard memory map may be ported directly from a ROM image.
- VERY portable architecture.
- Many built in and utility commands.
- Includes powerful terminal independant screen oriented window
editor and other full screen utilities.
- Includes Assembler (Compatible with PC shareware XASM (ASM09) and
MICRO-C 6809 code generator), and debugger featuring disassemble,
breakpoints & software single step.
- Includes MICRO-APL and MICRO-FORTH languages.
- Includes 8080 emulator.
- Over 100 built in (kernal) system calls for I/O, parameter passing,
output formatting & misc. functions.
- LOTS of documentation, example files, drivers etc.
Current rev : 1.3
Complete Source License : $99.95
Printed documentation : $25
Schematic for simple CUBIX compatible system: $10
EPROM: Stand-Alone EPROM programmer kit.
This package includes the necessary schematics, firmware and
documentation to construct a complete stand alone EPROM programmer.
- Supports 2716, 2732, 2764, 27128 and 27256 type devices.
- Controlled by keypad/LED display, or over remote serial link.
- On-Board memory for loading, editing and re-programming.
- Download INTEL or MOTOROLA hex file to program in rom.
- Upload ROM contents in INTEL or MOTOROLA hex format.
- Includes user manual, schematics, and firmware (ROM).
Current rev : 1.2
Kit price : $24.95 (Includes ROM, Schematics & Manual)
TSF: The Software Factory
A set of tools to assist in low volume production of software which
is distributed on 5.25" MS-DOS format 360K diskettes.
- Ideal for shareware authors!
- Maintains a log of sales with customer number, date received, date
processed, names/addresses, packages ordered, type of shipping,
PO numbers, taxes levied, private notes etc. Has various query and
print functions for accessing the logged information.
- Handles software packages, not just individual disks (even removes
duplicates if the user orders packages which share common disks).
- Formats, Writes and Verifies the diskettes in single pass.
- Prints mailing labels, diskette labels and customer invoices.
- Customer number (serial #) printed on disk label, mailing label,
invoice, recorded in log, and written to diskette volume labels.
- Handles different types of shipping and costs.
- Works with non-software products as well (You don't have to have
diskettes in a "package" definition).
- Requires an AT type machine with a 360K diskette drive.
Current rev : 1.0
Software price : $39.95 (Includes ONE diskette)
DEMO: Our freeware and shareware DEMONSTRATION disk
A 1.2Meg High Density 5.25" diskette containing freeware and demo
versions of our software. The (F)reeware files are fully functional,
while the (D)emo files are limited in one or more ways.
F: Resident 8080 Editor/Assembler/Disassembler/Debugger
F: Resident integer basic interpreter for the 8080/85/Z80
F: Patch .COM file to automatically append arguments (MC source)
F: A large (>200 locations) text based adventure game
F: Patch .COM file to verify itself (checksum) when loaded (MC source)
F: A configurable Hard Disk Parking utiilty (MC source)
F: An 8085 cross disassembler
F: Control CANNON FAXPHONE-25/FAX-225 from serial port (MC source)
F: A TOUCH program to update a files timestamp (MC source)
F: Several useful TSR utilities
D: The CUBIX operating system for the 6809
D: The DLM PC datascope
D: The EMILY 8051 simulator
D: The LAPTALK terminal program
D: The MICRO-C Compiler
D: The PCUTIL programmers utilities
D: The Software Factory
D: The XASM cross assemblers
Demo disk price: $24.95
** Order Form **
Name: _____________________________________________________
Street address: ___________________________________________
City: ___________________ State/Prov: _____________________
Zip/Postal Code: ______________ Country: __________________
Telephone: ________________________________________________
Product(s) ordered: _______________________________________
For the purposes of this document, the term THE PRODUCT shall be used
to refer to the licensed products named above, Including but not
limited to, all documentation, source code, executable and support
files, utilities, example programs and drawings.
By signing this order form, you indicate your acceptance of the
following conditions:
1) You may make a backup copy of THE PRODUCT, and you may install THE
PRODUCT on your computer systems hard disk, but only one copy of
THE PRODUCT may be in use at one time.
2) You may not remove or alter any copyright notice contained within
any portion of THE PRODUCT. You may otherwise modify THE PRODUCT
in any way you like, but the modified code shall, regardless of
the extent of modification, remain the property of the original
author, Dave Dunfield.
3) You are granted permission to distribute any programs or materials
you develop with THE PRODUCT without restriction. This permission
shall include executable machine code for any LIBRARY FUNCTIONS
contained in THE PRODUCT that is incorporated into such programs.
4) With the exception of embedded executable library functions
mentioned above, You may not re-distribute any part of THE PRODUCT
in any way. Any and all copies of THE PRODUCT must be retained in
your possession at all times.
5) You agree to use THE PRODUCT entirely at your own risk, and will
indemnify and hold harmless its author and distributors against
any action resulting from such use. The author and distributors of
THE PRODUCT do not warrant it fit or suitable for any particular
I have read and agree to be bound by the above conditions.
Date: ___________ Signed: ______________________
This order form must be accompanied by sufficent payment.